Figurative Works

The Personal Paintings

Nature in Peril

Our wildlife, the environment, animals are dying, civilisation is precarious, there is a hopelessness. It's our climate destiny. Destruction. Destroying its own lifelines. Capitalism the giver and taker.


Domestic scenes, captives, suicides, screens, embraces, private lives, loneliness, violence, co-dependent love, family. Pared-down to essentials, universal, human relationships, faces, hands.

Social Injustice

The injustice, the poverty, the terrible inequality, our welfare claimants trampled on, social exclusion and mental illness, the refugee struggling for survival, the criminal locked away, illegal activity of the white collar worker. All the walls and labels and injustice.

The Outcast

The artist's relationship to our time, reality in conflict with creativity, the difficulty of finding kinship, unhappiness with the world, failure at finding success or independence, frustrated hopes, getting worn down, dreams dying, inability to find recognition. Exile in my own society.

Cultural Decline

The loss of diversity in our cultural life. The wasteland lies here. In search of a dying film medium, the decline of cinema, portraits of forgotten filmmakers.